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Tag: vegetables


11 Benefits of Spinach and Smoothie Recipe!

Since the days of Popeye, spinach has always been famous for its ability to make you “strong to the finish.” This super powerful green leafy vegetable is packed with benefits! Benefits: Spinach contains 13 different antioxidants and anti-cancer flavonoids Contains a unique and beneficial mixture of phytonutrients and carotenoids ...

Take part in Veganuary!

Want to take part in Veganuary but still need some motivation? All I have to say is start off by watching Netflix’s “The Game Changers”, a great documentary film about how athletes can benefit from plant-based eating. It will motivate you to give it your best go! People are investing more in meat alternatives as this once vegan fad has now...

8 Benefits of Tomatoes

There’s a lot of confusion on whether a tomato is a fruit or vegetable and we’re here to reveal it’s a fruit! Why? Well, it’s seed-bearing and develops from the ovary of a flowering plant. Tomatoes along with cucumbers and courgettes are categorised as vegetables and this is partly due to their lower carb and sugar contents. Rich in ...

Benefits of Brussel Sprouts

Today we’re talking about the miniature cabbage that is a sadly not so loved vegetable but it is extremely good for your health. Enter, the Brussel Sprouts. Historically it is said that around the 16th Century onwards, it was popular in Brussels, Belgium and may have gained its name from there.  Many of my patients have told me that Brussel...


Did you know… Tomatoes are a fruit, but we tend to use it as a vegetable instead?

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