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Tag: cleansing

Almond Oil

Did you know…Almonds are among the lowest-calorie nuts and are from the Peach family?

Ascorbic Acid

Did you know… humans, guinea pigs, fruit bats and primates are the only mammals that cannot make Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) in their bodies?


Did you know… there are 8 types of biotin?


Did you know… Ancient Egyptian artists used beeswax to make paint and Romans used it as a skin softener?

Black Pepper

Did you know… black pepper (Peppercorn) comes in different colours? They can be green, black, white or even red.


Did you know… people have been eating blueberries for more than 13,000 years?

Beauty Routine

Taking care of your skin from the inside and the outside is the best way to keep skin healthy and glowing. For beautiful skin from within, make sure you add skin loving ingredients to your diet, and supplement with Gold Collagen liquid treatments to keep your natural collagen levels high. You absolutely are what you eat! To take care of your skin ...
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