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Tag: A-Z beauty bible

Amino Acids

Did you know… hydrolysed collagen is a rich source of the major amino acids that form the collagen structure in your hair?


Did you know… elastin is roughly 1000x more flexible than collagen?

Glycolic Acid

Did you know… when you use Glycolic Acid, you should always use SPF as it can make your skin more sensitive to the sun?


Did you know… glucosamine is an amino sugar?

Green Tea

Did you know… you can put wet tea bags on your eye lids to relieve puffiness?


Did you know… glycerin can dissolve into water or alcohol but not oils?

Hyaluronic Acid

Did you know… Hyaluronic Acid can attract and hold over 1000 times its weight in water?!


Did you know… ancient Egyptians offered honey to the gods, used it to heal wounds and to treat fevers and stomach issues?

Himalayan Pink Salt

Did you know… Himalayan Pink Salt comes from the salt range in the Punjab region of Pakistan?


Did you know…if you consume iron rich food with vitamin C rich food, it will help your body to absorb the iron better?

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