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Tag: exercise


Self-Care, Fitness and Healthy Food

We’ve all been there – we make a million and one resolutions but we don’t keep them. So let’s start small and simple. Break it down into 3 categories. Self-Care | Fitness | Healthy food It can be said these three categories interlink with each other. This is very true, but to break out of the routine of not sticking to ...

Are You Marathon Ready?

Leading a physically active lifestyle is a great boost to your health, and a balanced diet is just as important to stay energised. Some may say that they do lead an active lifestyle yet still feel sluggish and lacking energy. Well, this could be a sign that they are not fuelling their body with the right food. Following a diet pattern and making ...

Stress and Eating Habits

We’ve all been there, you’re having a bad day and start craving chocolate, cake and crisps. Or it’s the complete opposite and you feel stressed and don’t want to eat at all. I’m sure this sounds familiar to you. Learn more on how stress and eating habits are connected and how you can overcome the need to overeat or under-eat. ...
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