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Tag: critical cosmetics blogger

Exfoliating your face and body

Exfoliating is a very important part of taking care of your skin, it’s important to slough away dead skin cells, to leave behind smoother skin, which not only looks brighter and healthier, but allows your products to penetrate better. There are many scrubs/exfoliating product on the market – some for the face, others for the body, some have ...

Beauty Routine

Taking care of your skin from the inside and the outside is the best way to keep skin healthy and glowing. For beautiful skin from within, make sure you add skin loving ingredients to your diet, and supplement with Gold Collagen liquid treatments to keep your natural collagen levels high. You absolutely are what you eat! To take care of your skin ...

Skincare-Secrets with Karen Van Zijl, the beauty fanatic

I’m Karen, the Senior Marketing Manager for Gold Collagen® in the UK, and self-confessed beauty junkie! Ever since I got my first lipstick at the age of out 4 (it was a Barbie lipstick I must add), my love affair with beauty has grown into an all-out obsession. Over the last few years, I have really started to notice that the condition of my ...
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