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Different Tea's You Need to Try


It’s official. Christmas is just around the corner and the cold is finally here.

It’s the perfect time to wrap up in blankets and watch a movie and not cringe when it is acceptable to play Christmas music. It is also the perfect time for hot cups of tea. Let’s talk about tea.

All types of tea derive from the same basic plant, the Camellia Sinensis plant. The differences between teas arise from the handling process and its geographical locations. Camellia Sinensis is native to Asia but is cultivated around the world in tropical and subtropical areas. With over 3,000 varieties; tea is the most consumed beverage in the world after water. Tea can be divided into five basic categories: black, green, oolong, white, and puer. Puer is an aged black tea from China prized for its immense medicinal properties and deep earthy flavour.

Oolong Tea is the most popular Chinese tea that is drank around the world. The aroma and taste are much appreciated by tea drinkers around the world. The caffeine content in Oolong tea lies between green and black teas. The flavour of oolong teas is typically not as robust as black tea or as subtle as green tea but has its own extremely vivid, fragrant and intriguing notes.


White tea is the least processed of all teas. Only the unopened buds and young leaves covered in silver fuzz are used, and they are merely withered and dried.



Flavoured teas are created by adding flowers, herbs, fruits and other natural flavours to black, green or oolong teas. Some of the more common types of flavoured teas include fruit teas, flower tea, herbal leaf teas, like jasmine tea, lemon grass tea etc











I suggest you try a cup of Holy Basil Tea (leaf tea) also known as Tulsi Tea, probably one of the best stress busting teas you can probably have during dark winters.


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