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Check Out These Top 5 Key Skincare Ingredients!

Make sure you check the ingredients list of products to see that they contain the ingredients that your skin needs. Here are the top 5 key ingredients that you should always look out for:

  1. Vitamin C – the super antioxidant multitasker! Vitamin C is great for brightness and reducing pigmentation and is perfect for using day or night.
  2. Vitamin A (Retinol) – is an anti-ageing powerhouse! Retinol is known to help reduce wrinkles, fade dark spots, keep pores healthy and even help with acne. Use at night and always use SPF the next day (you were going to anyways right?).
    Skincare Ingredients
  3. Hyaluronic Acid – is a great ingredient to hydrate all skin types. Did you know it can attract and hang on to over 1000 times its weight in water? Keeping skin hydrated is important for all skin types, including oily skin which can also be dehydrated.
  4. Salicylic Acid – is a fabulous ingredient for acne prone skin. It helps to exfoliate, unclog pores, neutralise bacteria and is also anti-inflammatory. You can find it in everything from face washes, toners and serums, to specialist acne fighting treatments. It’s also great for prevention so keep an eye out for it.
  5. Glycolic Acid – is an alpha-hydroxy acid derived from sugar cane. Gently exfoliate your skin daily using a product with glycolic acid, as using a physical scrub daily would be too much for the skin. Glycolic acid eats away dead skin cells leaving fresh glowing skin behind. It’s also great for evening out skin tone and your other products will penetrate much better after use. Just remember to always use an SPF afterwards, as glycolic can make your skin more sensitive to the sun.

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