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Anti-stress Vitamins in just one bottle

Hello dear friends,

Today I am going to talk about something that we have all experienced multiple times in our lives and will probably keep experiencing …. stress!!

At times, I think stress is one of the most used and abused words in this era. So how do we define stress? Stress is simply our body’s reaction to physical, mental or emotional strain. The activity of our nervous system is heightened when in this state.

This reaction is commonly referred to as the “fight-or-flight” response, referring to the two subconscious reactions in a state of heightened stress – to fight or flee the situation. Stress is a major part of our lives –  the job, traffic jams, housework, monetary issues or relationships, all these can aggravate stress levels on variable occasions.  You might be surprised but stress can actually lead to the depletion of different vitamins and minerals, vital to your overall health and wellbeing. The stress hormones – adrenaline and cortisol – gradually weaken the body and strip it of important daily nutrients, particularly vitamins A, B,  C, and E  as well as minerals like calcium. Stress can also cause carbohydrate cravings (commonly known as sugar cravings or comfort eating spells) by lowering the levels of serotonin. Serotonin is generally a calming hormone that helps us cope with stress and its effects but can be reduced during stressful times. ,  Most people turn to junk food for a quick fix when they have a sugar craving – pastries, crisps, cakes, muffins, fizzy drinks, energy drinks or coffee. This is a complete disaster for the human body! Our body is the most sophisticated and advanced machine on this planet so why would you gradually destroy this brilliantly designed marvel? l I always ask my patients the same question when I hear about their stress eating habits and binge eating spells.

The most important question though is how to help your body cope with stress. My advice:  –  consider taking a good supplement with vitamin B6.

The entire group of B complex vitamins is especially important for a healthy brain and central nervous system. B6 can improve the general mood and make the body more resilient to stress. One particular research has also shown that B complex vitamins can particularly help with stress related to the job! During the study participants were given a certain vitamin B complex supplement and after some time they were experiencing significantly less job stress and a reduction in depression, anxiety, and mental confusion. The richest sources of vitaminB6 (pyridoxine) are poultry, fish, meats, potatoes, starchy vegetables and most non-citric fruits.

Further, you should supply your body with a good daily dose of Vitamin C.

Not many people know that vitamin C is the best quick fix when stress hits you! Vitamin C allows the body to quickly clear out the stress hormone cortisol, a primary hormone that increases sugars in the bloodstream. Vitamin C helps to regulate cortisol and prevent blood pressure from spiking in response to stressful situations.  When I get asked what the best food to resort to when under stress is, I always suggest oranges. Have a freshly squeezed orange juice or just eat an orange, clementine or tangerine and you will instantly feel much better! Why don’t you try it yourself and let me know …

Vitamin C helps to regulate cortisol and prevent blood pressure from spiking in response to stressful situations.  When I get asked what the best food to resort to when under stress is, I always suggest oranges. Have a freshly squeezed orange juice or just eat an orange, clementine or tangerine and you will instantly feel much better! Why don’t you try it yourself and let me know …


Good  luck my dear friends and lots of love,

Dr.Vidhi Patel

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